Friday, February 09, 2007

this Thursday

I slept in today then went to my one class of the day, terrorism... which is in the 100+ person lecture hall in Richardson. (The largest classroom on campus, for you non-Tulanians.) A guy dressed as a "terrorist" (for lack of a more specific but also more offensive word) came running in yelling gibberish in the middle of it, prompting the girl in front of me to jump out of her seat in fright. (As if an actual terrorist would have nothing better to do than terrorize our class!) And then a guy dressed in fatigues ran in, tackled him to the floor, struggled with him, and then chased him up the stairs and out the backdoor. Even our professor found it funny although he swears he had nothing to do with it.

He let us out of class early, which is great because Tara had to eat early and run errands. So we got our usual lunch half an hour early. How many times can I use the word "early" in one paragraph?

I went to the park to enjoy the warm weather study for my exam tomorrow. Becca joined me before and after her run. We walked back home and then said bye to David who's leavin' for the weekend.

Lauren, Whitney, and I went to Walmart even though they don't have cheap ink cartridges. In fact, they don't have ink cartridges at all, so the main objective of the trip wasn't accomplished. We got some other stuff though then stopped at Subway for dinner. Good times.

There was a campus-wide (possibly uptown-wide) power outage for about ten minutes. That was fun.

The consensus is no 80s Night, to rest up for this weekend and the madness of next weekend.

So I think I'll go the gym and study some more. Maybe.

Rest in peace, Anna Nicole. 1967-2007

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