Saturday, February 17, 2007

Thirsty Thursday

Lord, this weekend needs to chill as soon as possible. It's off to a fantastic start even though last night there was kind of a bump in the road... or more like a huge f-ing pothole. But it's all good.

Thursday I got up after lunch with Tara, I hung around my room and waited for Carter, Will, and their friend Alex to arrive. (The collective trio will hereafter be referred to as Carter&Co or C&C if I feel really lazy.) So they arrived and met my non-Peter roommates. We mixed a few beverages to go and off we went to the parades to meet up with a bunch of other people. We were going to watch outside Fat Harry's-ish but moved a block down St. Charles to outside Cannon's since there was more space there.

The Krewes of Babylon, Chaos, and Muses all rolled and were lots of fun. In between parades, we went to Cannon's for more drinks.

After the parades, some of us piled into Carter's car and went to Reginelli's for pizza and beer. In the interest of being respectful, I'm not going to say which guy passed out at Reginelli's or which girl said this quote after she fell down a few times:

"I don't know where the fuck I am, but I fell and broke my knee or something. I should probably go to Tulane Memorial Hospital, but those bitches don't take greenbucks!"

Nicole and I split a Parthenon Pizza, which is garlic herb sauce, mozzarella, feta, artichokes, roma tomatoes, onions, mushrooms. It was delicious. and we all nursed a pitcher or two of Abita.

After we dropped a few drunks people off and picked a few up, and the rest of us went down to 80s Night. Unfortunately a lot of the regulars weren't around, but I did gather another "welcome back" from Strict-Bouncer-Guy. Dancing. High life. Dancing.

We came back uptown, and I showed Carter and Alex the new Bruno's. We crashed (relatively) early at about two in the morning since we figured we needed our strength for the next few days. We were right.

I still have an entire album's worth of photos, but don't expect any soon. They might not get loaded until after Mardi Gras itself.

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