Friday, October 27, 2006

funny tribute to lost

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

another episode of...

me being awesome at things that don't even matter

a successful four-suit spider solitaire

shot the moon four times in a row

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

weekend/month over???

I don't know where time goes. Stephanie is finally 21. We all trekked down to Harrah's and then Pat O's for some festive celebrating.

Other notable moments of the weekend were cooking dinner with Adrian and the Tulane return to the Superdome. We students returned too, armed with daiquiris and beer. Close game but we lost.

photo courtesy of Stephanie Choy and her blog

a pic I took: cheerleaders encouragin' the green wave to roll.

Yesterday was Yom Kippur, so all the Gentiles wanted to go to lunch. I got like three phone calls at noon. I'd already made plans with Rachel to go to Nirvana but unfortunately forgot it's closed on Monday, so we went to Theo's. I'd never been. It was pretty good.

Adrian tried to do an international conference call to our parents in Bali the other night, and it didn't work. (I assume they were still sleeping 'cause it was like eight in the morning, and they were on vacation.) But they conference-called us both last night and were back in the continental states. And that's great because now I can more often quote the funny things they say.

And for you fellow youtube and Disney freaks, here's a live performance from a few weeks ago to commemorate the release of a certain double-disc dvd today.