Sunday, February 11, 2007

"Stop getting drunk..."

"...and let me finish my damn story! Pardon my French."

That's just one of the choice quotes from Miss Molly this fine evening.

So my friends and I planned to watch the evening parades (Sparta and Pegasus) from The Columns again, but we overshot and drove too far. (I knew Stephanie and I couldn't have both been wrong about where to turn.) So we wound up at McDonald's.

After the parades I went to Miss Molly's Mardi Gras Party, where there was a MAS(A) reunion. I've missed Grandma and Gramps, aka Maureen and Steven. (Adrianne unfortunately wasn't in attendance). Good times.

Then the few people left who closed out the party went over to Bruno's. Guess who knew more people at Bruno's than Steven and I (i) combined? MISS MOLLY.

We got there and half a dozen girls (former students) immediately pulled her to sit with them, and when we went over to play darts, another girl leaned over to me and said "Oh my God, is that Mrs. Kenan? I love her!"


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