Sunday, April 01, 2007

the freakin' weekend...

Baby, I'm havin' some fun...

What happened yesterday? Class. Nap. Whole Foods. Dinner with Matt and Becca at Brooks' place. I made a semi-Cobb at the WF salad bar, and Brooks had picked up sushi from Sake Cafe. I ordered my favorites, spicy yellowtail and New Orleans rolls. We played with Trek, his ex's dog, and Matt and Becca helped me completely fill in the blanks from Thursday night.

In the interest of privacy, I'll leave names out, but note that someone is singular and people is very plural. Here are more things that happened which I forgot in my previous update.
  • people snuck into bars
  • people pretty much made out
  • people groped others' breasts, buttocks, and/or crotches
  • people had nip slips
  • people told someone they would do them
  • people were throwing themselves at inappropriate people
  • people fell... often into things or other people
  • people couldn't drive/walk/read/speak
  • people got laughed at by workers at The Rat
  • people got into arguments over nothing
  • someone accidentally hit someone else
  • someone hid in the art building from someone else
  • someone seriously danced with a stripper pole
  • someone discussed their sex toys
  • people passed out, impervious to light and noise
  • people woke up still drunk
  • someone woke up on a couch holding melted ice cream
Last night was much less Tara Reid. Some friends and I went to Karma. Last one ever. Sob. It was some people's first time ever, and it was also Tara's and my first Jacque-less one. The mix of food, drink, hip-hop, reggaeton, and bhangra was still amazing. Stephanie brought Samantha and Jeanine, just like I brought Adrian last year. Tara, Ian, Alison, Whitney, Lauren, David, Becca, and many others were also in attendance.

Some of us shuffled back and forth between Nirvana and the oh-so-cheap drinks at The Club: Miss Mae's. At the end of the night, Whitney and I went with some people to the only bar that's more of a dive than Mae's... Snake & Jake's.