Monday, February 11, 2008


So no trip is complete without a bump in the road, and my bump happened to be a drunk American girl. Her heel broke, and she fell quite unfortunately into my knee. It was dislocated, so I went to the hospital and got an X-ray. “No frattura.” Pressure bandage. The dottore advised me to stay off it for a week and a half.

I spent most of Saturday either at the hospital or sleeping and then got up just in time to go to The Girls Next Block’s apartment for dinner that Mindy had kindly made. Pasta with vegetables. Good stuff.

Liz had a headache, so I walked her home and then we had tea. Eventually I went to meet up with John, Ross, and their roommate Joe at a pub called Angie’s, less than a five minute walk from my apartment. Loud music but good DJ, so pretty awesome. Euro crowd too. Much more my scene than that American bar.

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