Tuesday, February 19, 2008

hilarity, agility, and nudity

If the title hasn't piqued your interest, you might as well stop reading this entry now. I'll warn any prudes this one is PG-13 rated.

So a bunch of us went to YAB for their anniversary dinner party. It's a dance club. Pretty cool looking. Dinner was decent and four course plus antipasti, waters, and wine. After dinner, they started clearing out all the tables and chairs to open up the dance floor. Liane and I meant to take a tough picture but wound up laughing at something instead. Alison skillfully captured the moment. The rest of our friends else had left at this point.


Then the night officially became awesome. Some breakdancers, who apparently are a staple at YAB on Monday nights, started showing off their moves. This went on for at least half an hour, but the crowd never seemed to tire of it. Here's about a minute for you to see. YAB seems all about the hip-hop, but I couldn't help film this one song.


The first guy was Liane's favorite, and she soon showed off her moves on him. (Dancing, I mean.) When she and Alison went to the bathroom, YAB unveiled its "big surprise" for the night. I thought it was going to be something or someone lame when they carried a huge birthday present to the center of the dance floor. It exploded open and "Crazy in Love" by Beyonce started playing. And the special guests were better than Beyonce and not lame at all.They were two nearly naked women. Platforms rose out of the floor and they started dancing. Awesome. They finished their number before Liane and Alison came back, and I'm not sure they believed me. But then the golden girls came back and proved I didn't make the story up. We stayed for another couple of hours until things got too hot and sweaty. Fantastic night.


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