Thursday, March 08, 2007

quotable Wednesday

Hmmm. In adolescent psych, we watched a video from the mid-90s on homosexuality that I, along everyone else in the back row, laughed at because it was so out-dated and had the worst arguments ever on both sides. I don't feel bad because both the straight girl and the gay guy who sit on either side of me were laughing it up. We got a few disapproving glances from some girl (an angry lesbian? I really mean no offense.) up front. Whatever.

Lunch with Lauren. WoW Wingery. Good stuff.

I skipped calculus in favor of going to a special group project.

Music class can be summed up with this quote:

"What's your excuse for missing class? Don't you dare tell me you were having an abortion!"

Then after I got the best voicemail I've ever received:

"Hey, this is Jason in the mailroom. I just wanted to let you know you had a package delivered today. there is a notification in your mailbox, and YO YO YO we'll be open at 9 a.m. WIKI-WIKI-WIKI!"

This is probably the... 10th (at least) message responding to Carter's lovely recordings on my cell phone.

Nap. Dinner. LOST. Phone call with parents. Phone call with brother:

"Hey Andrew, what's up? I'm one of Adrian's pledge brothers. He asked me to talk to you because he's shit-faced and won't remember this conversation tomorrow."

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