Monday, March 05, 2007

March already?

Another week flew by, another weekend flew by even faster, and suddenly it's Sunday night again... in March nonetheless. Seriously, where did January and February go?

My week was laidback, relatively speaking. Wednesday: Classes and LOST. Thursday: Class, lunch and hanging out with Rachel, 80s Night. Friday: Classes, Lunch and hanging out with Adrian, The Boot and The Rat with Keenan and some of his friends, a little bit of Dance Marathon. Saturday: A little more Dance Marathon, a delicious dinner (Ninja for various sushi, tempura, and rare beef tataki) with Shannon, Blockbuster, a Days of Heaven screening, and quality time with Ryanne and her roommates. Today: The ornithological society's crawfish boil in the park with Ry Ry, studying, napping, and I-don't-know.

I've added "labels" (for popular subjects) to all my journal entries and will continue to do so in future ones. The labels should allow for faster filtering if you want to look up something in past entries and at-a-glance notices of a new post's content if you're pressed for time.

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