Saturday, September 02, 2006

back in the habit like sister act 2

Let's see. First weekend back at school. What happened to summer? After Hawaii, cool people like Katie and Harry Potter Patrick turned 21, Adrian and I returned to New Orleans, our dad helped us move in and took us out to eat a lot, and classes started. I've been goin' out with the brother and friends and contemplating senior year. Ludacris played an awesome show here at Tulane last night, and it's a three-day weekend. Future entries will be more detailed, I promise. And I'm sure I'll re-cap a few missed memories in them when relevant.

I'm still getting used to this new layout and learning ways to customize it, so bear with me. Oh, and at long last, you can comment if you want. People have been telling me to figure out how to add that feature since 2003.

Yeah, I know this update sucks, but I'm settling in. If you really want to help, make my life exciting.

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