Wednesday, April 30, 2008


A timely update? yep!

Today began with a roommates trip to the trattoria in our neighborhood. It was Giuseppe’s idea. We ran into Aneet and Alison coming back from food shopping on the way there and then were run into by Liz and Anna, who were buying food from the same trattoria. When I came back to our building, I went to the girls’ apartment to sit and chat with all four of them post-lunch. Then Anna and I had our first (and probably not last) Lost viewing. Food Writing ended rather quickly. We spent more time discussing our plans for the summer and future food writing than on actual class discussion. I came home and read some more of High Fidelity (borrowed from Le Donne interNazionale) while finishing off the biscotti and Vin Santo they gave me for my birthday. Italian surprisingly flew by even though it was the last class of the day and the last class before a long weekend. No leather pants or overtly sexual music today, but we did get a brief lesson in Klingon and how its structure is similar to some Native American languages. For real. I couldn’t make this shit up.

Anyway classes are over, so I’m off to Swedish aperitivo with Sergio and some of the girls. And then Jack and Juan are having a party tonight... originally intended as a Sunday brunch and then postponed to a Sunday night gathering, and finally postponed to a Thursday night long-weekend kickoff. Call me for details if you want to go.

If there are no updates for a few days, it’s because I’ll be getting somewhere or will be getting lost in Amsterdam, as Guster sings.

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