Thursday, November 09, 2006

what a glorious day

I registered for my classes for my final (say a prayer) semester at Tulane, Britney Spears has finally sent off a long overdue Fed-Ex shipment, and LOST aired its mini-season finale!

My afternoon was pretty laidback. Shannon and I went to Whole Foods, CafĂ© Luna to visit JigglyJuggs and get some cold beverages, and Blue Frog Chocolates. I like Shannon for several reasons among which are the facts that she likes dark chocolate probably as much as I do and that she hates the taste of coffee. (Those who know me well know I don’t like coffee, I just enjoy the tastes that cover it up like caramel and, today, mint chocolate.)

After that I came back here and shaved and got presentable, and Lauren and I went to The Melting Pot and caught up over a bottle of wine and cheese and chocolate fondues. Granted, we got drunk and missed the first quarter of LOST. Of course we'll see it as soon as possible, but the food was worth it.

I feel bad because in our tardy absence we missed Whitney and Wes, but I'll make it up to them... somehow.

Immediately after the episode ended, I received irate phone calls from Whit and my mommy. Whitney had a problem with not enough happening in the episode, and a very medicated (antibiotics!) mommy was upset about the break in the season. I bitched about the break already months ago. As an alumni of the school of I-hate-reruns, I completely prefer six-new-episodes-straight and eighteen-straight even if it means some waiting in between.

So in honor of the good day, I'm posting one of my favorite pictures ever from Esquire magazine. To me it is a symbol - Notice the Mardi Gras beads! - of New Orleans and Britney in 2005 before the catastrophes of Katrina and K-Fed. New Orleans is on its way back, now let us hope Britney is too.

And in honor of the also smoking hot Evangeline Lilly, here is what I think should be Kates next flashback on LOST:

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