Saturday, November 01, 2008

break week

Had conveyor belt sushi for lunch. Spent the afternoon or forever at FUA, where Kyle was. We stopped for takeout at the Chinese place in my old neighborhood, fried chicken and rice for Kyle, roast duck and Cantonese rice for me. We had just finished our dinner conversation about how we’re Mamas’ boys when Gerard came back. Later in the evening I got hungry again, so I roasted a chicken and made some curried cous cous before going over to Nick and Alex’s to play a game of Rummy. Nick and I weren’t sleepy, so we went to the late-night club for a few drinks and then stopped by the secret bakery after.

Woke up really late, heated up leftovers, read a bit. Mom called, which always makes my day. Kyle and I went to a Brazilian aperitivo, where the chef was Brazilian and one of her Brazilian friends danced in traditional Brazilian “costume.” The food was really good. Sergio was there too, of course, so the three of us went out and drank a bit, naturally.

Gerard left. The Asylum was empty. The morning was lost to sleep. I don’t remember what we did Wednesday afternoon, so it probably was spent asleep. The evening was spent watching Lost and Friends and drinking wine. Kyle and I officially became vampires because we just stayed up all night talking while drawing and writing. When we realized the sun was up, it was about 8 am.

I’m pretty sure we got up in the evening. Back to the bar and club hopping. One of my favorite bartenders resumed working at one of my favorite bars, so that was a nice surprise. Saw a lot of familiar faces out. Met some girls from Barcelona. I was flying solo that night since Kyle was doing work but when I got back we made cheesy eggs, barely done for me and well done for him.

Friday was Halloween, so Kyle and I scrambled all over town to find last-minute costumes. We ended up being Jesus and a creepy surgeon, respectively. (I was going to be The Devil for contrast, but that costume idea didn’t pan out.)

Being a creepy surgeon sure invites attention. Everyone wants pictures with you, diagnoses, prognoses, or gynecological exams. I was walking by one bar when I thought I heard people asking for “a shot” but then I realized they were offering one. One ambulance that drove by waved at me. Warlocks, witches, slutty girls with animal ears, on... everyone wanted medical advice.

The kind of attention Kyle drew was even more amazing. Nuns, priests, regular people, all sinners. Everyone wanted a picture with “Il Salvatore,” a blessing, or forgiveness and a a guarantee into heaven.

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