Thursday, September 25, 2008

it's the freakin' weekend.

Yeah, I have four day weekends. I don't think this has happened since sophomore year of college, and Lord knows what sort of mischief I got into that year.

Anyway yesterday I was dead to the world, but I made it to Fashion Photography anyway. I need a few more pictures for my first assignment... a six photo spread on Shoes, Hats, & Accessories. (Accessories is open-ended, so let's get creative. Anyone with cool jewelry, expensive purses like those birthday gifts from junior year, or inappropriately small dogs, let me know.) Pairing Food and Wine was entirely about white wines, so my classmate Val and I had fun with that.

We both hung around after for the workshop on Tasting and How We Taste, Etc. It was no new information for me after all my crazy classes in psychology and food but still entertaining. Met up with Kyle, Adrian, Aeri, Tanjila, and Tom for aperitivo at the usual bar. Then we went on a mission to regrop with Aeri who had found her way to the Uffizi. Back home, I made hot chocolate from scratch for Jesse, Tom, Adrian, and myself. Since I finished Rosemary's Baby I started reading another book from our well-stocked shelf. Digital Fortress by Dan Brown.

I haven't finished it yet, but it reads so familiar for some reason?

Prologue - Someone dies a mysterious death.
Chapter 1 - The protagonist is having a dream. She (in this case) wakes to a ringing phone with bad news about a mysterious emergency to which she must immediately MYSTERIOUSLY attend to.

(Dan Brown wrote Angels & Demons and its more famous sequel Da Vinci Code, if you're not familiar with popular fiction.)

After that I crashed for several hours.

Today has been very productive. Granted, today began around noon. But I finally sent off my Permesso Siggiorno - I wonder how many exasperated and exhausted student the lady at the post office has dealt with. Then I went to the bookstore and registered to vote with a friendly lady from California who reminds me of a grandmother slash junior high teacher. Then I went and got Gelato from St. Sarah and Southern Anna's favorite gelateria since it was next door. I got my (second) locker here in the arts school and dumped the photo paper in it. Three errands in less than an hour.

Enough productivity. Sergio wants to "party big" tonight, so I think that's the plan. Game on.

Tara, if you're still reading, of course I'm aware you're coming. We can cuddle. It'll be awesome.

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